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Friday 28th May

Our stories this week are 'The Tiny Seed' where we talked about what happened to the seed in the story. You can get the story on YouTube. We have looked again at plant growth and ordered some pictures to show the growth of a rose plant. See attached pictures that can be used.


The other story we have looked at this week is 'The Hungry caterpillar' We have talked about what is special about mini-beast - do they have wings? No wings? legs? how many legs? How do they move? We tried to move like mini-beasts in PE, can you?



Friday 28th May, 2021

Some other ideas for things to do may include..... - Go on a mini-beast hunt and see where they live. - Make a home for the mini-beasts out in the garden - Make a mini-beast out of recycled boxes, paint and decorate it using the correct colours / patterns etc If you planted some seeds - how are they getting on? - Did you draw a picture of what they looked like as a seed? - Can you draw what they look like now? - Talk about how they have grown and changed. HAVE A SUPER AND MUCH NEEDED BREAK. KEEP SAFE AND WELL XX

