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10.7.20  A huge well done to Kieran for reading over 290 thousand words on Reading Plus!!

Your perseverance and dedication to your reading skills has been wonderful to see.  Keep up the excellent work. Thank you.

3.7.20   What a great illustration Krishan!  You've clearly put a lot of hard work into this picture and created a detailed and colourful Roman Soldier.  Well done and keep up the hard work! 


26.6.20   Hemda has consistently completed all of the home learning for this week and every week, including Maths, English and project work such as the brilliant biography o Roger Hargreaves.  She has worked extremely hard and shown motivation and dedication to her learning.  Well done Hemda, keep going.  Thank you

19.6.20   Great work from Emily this week, including handwriting, mental Maths papers and correcting spelling mistakes.  You're doing a fab job Emily!   Keep working hard. Thank you.

19.6.20   Lily has continued to complete a huge amount of quality work whilst at home.

This includes mental Maths papers, a lovely and informative non-chronological report. I really enjoyed hearing your video clip of reading numbers in the Inuit language.

Excellent work, Lily!  Thank you.


12.6.20  It has been great to see Kenzie working hard to finish all of the work given this week in school.  His focus and interest in the learning has been brilliant.  Kenzie has shown Mathematical skills when completing decimals questions and lovely ideas linked to the English text.   I was particularly impressed with his car of the future design and LEGO model.   Keep up the good work Kenzie! Thank you.

12.6.20  Tia has worked really hard this week in school, completing every piece of work she's been given including, Maths, English, Art, History and Geography.  I have been impressed with her motivation to do her best work and her thoughtfulness towards others.

Keep it up Tia!  Good job!

12.6.20 Ben has impressed Mrs Southall and I this week for completing a lot of work.  I have seen a good range of learning, including Maths, English and great artistic creations.  Mrs Southall particularly liked your car of the future design.  I thought your treasure map was lovely and a great idea to make it look like an original!  Well done!

5.6.20   Jack has been working really hard to complete a lot of learning at home.  He has done a variety of work, including Maths, English, SPaG and Art.  Jack has also been learning some important life skills.  The Yorkshire Pudding he made was huge, as you can see above!

Well done Jack, keep up the hard work! 

5.6.20  Mason has been working hard at home to complete and send me a selection of English, French and SpaG work on SeeSaw.  He did really well at spelling many words that end in different suffixes.  Good job Mason!  Keep working hard!

22.5.20  Danny has been working extremely hard in school, creating artwork such as clay vegetables and a Roman shield.  He has also shown motivation to learn by completing lots of Maths and English work including time, decimals,fractions, information texts and poetry.

The piece of work above includes a sketch and interesting information on a famous Italian landmark.  Keep up the hard work Danny, you're doing a great job!

22.5.20   A massive thank you and well done to Kieran.  He deserves another shout out due to the extensive amount of work he is completing from the website and SeeSaw, which is of a good quality and the length of time being spent on Reading Plus to move up the leader board and improve his reading skills and comprehension.  This week, he has spent 413 minutes on Reading Plus, earning 3 combos and a certificate!  Well done Kieran, keep up the great job you're doing!   Here's the lovely conclusion to his information text.

15.5.20   Leon has worked hard this week and created an impressive Roman Soldier illustration with a lot of detail.  He has also completed a mixture of learning on SeeSaw.  Well done Leon.  Keep up the good work!

8.5.20  Matthew has been working very hard to learn at home, showing a lot of dedication to both his school activities and life skills.  I really enjoyed seeing the video of hime making his Mom a lovely cup of tea. Lucky Mom!  Well done Matthew and thank you.

Keep it up!


8.5.20 Emily has been demonstrating focus and motivation to continue her learning at home.  She has completed a lovely range of activities including VE Day questions, reading her poem and a lot of handwriting practise!

Keep up the hard work Emily!  Well done, thank you.

1.5.20 Fasiha has completed a lot of fraction, decimal and money work this week as well as some lovely acrostic and shape poetry.  Thank you. Keep up the hard work Fasiha!

1.5.20 Kieran has worked really hard this week to complete a lot of work, including maths, poetry and geography with some great map work and Italian story translating.  I was impressed with his dedication to handwriting practise and he's also moved up a level in Reading Plus!  Keep up the good work! Thank you. 



1.5.20  Ben has created a fantastic birds -eye view model of Italy and famous landmarks.

Great work Ben! Thank you.


24.4.20  Lily has shown high levels of motivation to complete all the activities over the week.  I have enjoyed reading her poems and seeing her understanding of decimals  Lily has also completed a range of art work including a Futuristic train design and a coat of arms on a shield.  Well done Lily.  Keep up the hard work

24.4.20 Jack has shown focus and dedication to progress in Reading Plus and earn combos!

Jack has also completed many pieces of the decimal work, showing his understanding.

Good job Jack, keep it up!


Hemda has been working very hard all week to complete activities and learning to a high standard. I've been impressed with her work on poetry, decimals and handwriting.

It's been lovely to see and hear recordings on SeeSaw of Hemda reading and asking me questions about her book.  Keep up the hard work Hemda!
