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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Grant


Pupil Premium money has been allocated to schools over a financial year. The amount of money is based on the number of pupils eligible to take up free school meals (FSM) and Looked After Children.


Over the country children who are eligible for free school meals and Looked After Children tend not to make as good progress or attain as well as those who are not.

The government wants the money used to help to narrow the gap between disadvantaged children and none disadvantaged children.


In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, it is recognised that not all pupils who receive or qualify for Free School Meals will be socially disadvantaged. In addition, not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for Free School Meals. Joseph Turner Primary therefore reserves the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged. In making provision for Looked After Children, it is recognised that LAC receive additional funding through alternative means and there is different guidance for how this additional funding is spent.


At Joseph Turner Primary School we look at the progress and attainment of all children as individuals to ensure that they have the best possible chance to do as well as they can with the resources we can offer.


Joseph Turner has been awarded The Pupil Premium Award 2015!


The Department of Education has acknowledged all the hard work that has been carried out at our school. The reason we were selected for the awards is that we are one of the most improved schools in the country in terms of attainment and progress of our disadvantaged pupils.


We have a number of different ways that we use the Pupil Premium Grant to support the development of disadvantaged pupils. We have a full time school counsellor and a Family Support team. We appoint Learning Support Assistants that specialise in delivering specific interventions.


Financial Year 2023-2024

We are estimated to receive a total of £251,715 in Pupil Premium Grant between April 2023 and March 2024 (excluding Early Years Pupil Premium and Looked After Child Pupil Premium). We plan to spend this £251,715 in the following areas.

We have received an in-year adjustment of £4,365 additional grant, notified in June 2023. Updated total for the year is now £256.080.



Budgeted Cost

Support Staff Salary (Pastoral Team)


Pupil Interventions


Free School Meals (Key Stage 2)£40,051
Pupil Referral Offsite Provision£17,000
Curriculum Development£3,500
Curriculum Licences£8,700
Outside School Activities£6,000
Staff Training£5,000
Curriculum Events£3,000



