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Transition to Y1


Transition from Reception to Year 1


Transition from EYFS to Year 1 is a very important time in a child's development and time in school. We value transition highly at Joseph Turner and therefore have set protocols and procedures that ensure a smooth and worthwhile transition. 



Learning Environment, Curriculum and Resources

  • • The learning environment in the Year 1 class will reflect as far as possible as that of EYFS.
  • In the second half of the Summer Term before children enter Year 1, they will have opportunities to visit and play in the Year 1 areas, slowly introducing them to their new environment.
  • The Year 1 teacher will take photographs of Reception children playing in Year 1 in the Summer Term before they move into Year 1 and display them in September to remind the children of the positive experiences they have already had in that classroom.
  • The arrangement of the physical space needs to ensure the continuity of experience between EYFS and Year 1.
  • Children should initially be provided with a similar morning routine to that in Reception, making transition easier.
  • Children will attend praise assembly in Reception during the Autumn Term and will be introduced to more assemblies if this is deemed appropriate for the children. In Year 1, children will attend all assemblies.
  • In Year 1, the level of adult and child initiated activities will initially reflect that of EYFS. As the children mature, the level of adult led learning will increase.
  • Play based learning will continue in Year 1, following a skills based creative curriculum, which will build upon their learning from EYFS.
  • Year 1 staff will provide opportunities for active, independent learning through play based activities.
  • Resources in Year 1 will show progression from and provide more challenges from those in EYFS. Access to play-based learning activities such a sand, water, construction, small world and role play will initially be continued within Year 1.
  • All resources will be clearly labelled and accessible.
  • Set Play will continue in Year 1 (teachers will have opportunities to observe Set Play in Reception in the Summer Term prior to the children moving into Year 1).
  • The Set Play will be developed in Year 1 to ensure there is a key focus that is represented throughout all activities. This will develop into differentiated groups as the teachers gain further knowledge of the children and the pupils become more confident. As a school, we expect that Year 1 teachers will adopt this style of teaching and learning for Autumn Term 1. The teachers will then gradually transit during Autumn 2, so that the children are completely ready for adult led learning by the end of their first term in year 1.
  • Reward systems will be consistent across the school. The behaviour policy is consistent throughout school so children are aware of the behavioural expectations.




The Reception teachers will share the results of the EYFSP results with the Year 1 teachers in the Summer Term before they enter Year 1. Each individual EYFSP and Learning Journey will be discussed as will the individual learning needs of each child.


• Formative Assessment is the continuous observational assessments by practitioners

throughout the year; photographs, video, children's work and information from parents. These assessments will inform or guide everyday planning.

native Assessment will be a summary of formative assessment and will take place termly, making statements about children's progress and attainment. This will be monitored through termly pupil progress meetings. Year 1 teachers will also have access to 'live' tracking data from the school's tracking system. Planning, assessment and observation sheet formats used in Year 1 will initially reflect those used in the EYFS as appropriate.

Photographs, video evidence and children's work will be used to assess children's progress towards the Early Learning Goals, if not yet reached by the end of Reception. Staff in EYFS Reception and Year 1 will make referrals to the school nurse team following discussion with and upon the advice from the SENCO.

Children who have not achieved 40-60 secure in the EYFS, remain on the EYFS curriculum in Year 1 until they are secure in the 40-60 band and have completed the EYFS curriculum. In September, new class teachers have to complete a baseline assessment proforma to look at the attainment and progress of their class. This will be used by the class teacher in the Christmas Pupil Progress meeting to show the impact of their teaching and the progress of the pupils
