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Curriculum and Standards

Governor's Impact statements


Curriculum and Standards Committee, Wednesday 22nd  November 2017


During this meeting...


Governors reviewed progress of all groups of children, including disadvantaged pupils, to ensure the curriculum is broad, balanced and engaging.


Governors agreed that the school development plan is accurate and is based on the evaluation of data to ensure the school is continuously moving forward.

Curriculum and Standards Committee, Tuesday 10th January 2018


During this meeting...


Governors had a better knowledge and understanding of whole school data including SEN, disadvantaged pupils and children working at greater depth. This enabled us as governors to question and challenge the schools understanding of the story behind children’s progress and attainment.

Curriculum and Standards Committee, Tuesday 8th May 2018


During the meeting..


The Governors were able to prepare questions and challenge due to data presented in a timely manner before the meeting. The SLT were able to provide reassurances and answer questions where data wasn’t on track.

Curriculum and Standards Committee Wednesday 10th July 2019


During the meeting... 


the Governors had, through rigorous challenging and questioning played a part in the development of better quality reports from the SLT and effectively developed improvements throughout school. Governor participation in monitoring teaching and learning allowed for triangulation of evidence and governors were more active and participated more in school.
