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Friday 21st May

This week's story has been Jack and the Beanstalk - you may have the book or I have attached the beginning of it below so you can read it together. Can the children tell you what happens at the end of the story? Can you write down what they say and send it in to us on SeeSaw please.

 - Do you have any plants in the house or garden? Can you look at them closely, draw them and talk about what the parts of the plant are called. Ask the children to label them and you write down what they say.

- Talk about how plants grow and change like we do.

- Talk about what the plants need to help them grow. (soil / water and sunshine)

- Count how many plants have flowers on them. Count how many don't and are just leaves. Which has the most?

- Which is the tallest plant? Shortest plant?

- Can you plant some seeds together and keep a diary drawing the seed to begin with and then what it looks like when it starts to grow.


(CAL / Lit / Maths / UW)
