Charlotte Hedgehog Class
Charlotte has received the special recognition award this week because she has been working hard at all tasks set on Seesaw. I've been really impressed with her sentence writing and creativity. Here is a picture of Charlotte learning how to double practically.
Keep up the great work
Isabella-Rose Hedgehog Class
Isabella has received the special recognition award this week because she has really persevered with her learning at home and completed activities independently. I've been really impressed with her handwriting and all the hard work she's put in this week. Keep up the fantastic attitude to learning Isabella!
Here is a picture of Isabella's creative artwork and writing she's posted on seesaw.
Abbad Rabbits Class
This week's special recognition is for Abbad. All week he has put so much hard work and dedication into all activities set on see saw. Abbad has created some amazing Art and DT work which has taken lots of effort as well as recording videos explaining what he has carried out. He has continued to work on his handwriting and spelling and has wrote some fantastic sentences. Abbad has even made time to read a story a day using a fantastic story teller voice. Keep up the hard work Abbad! You are doing fantastic
Blazej Rabbit Class
This week's special recognition is for Blazej who has logged onto RockStar Maths all week. Blazej has practised and persevered and can now answer multiplication questions in under 3 seconds. He has earnt himself over 36,000 coins. Blazej has then applied his multiplying skills onto activities set on see saw!
Well Done to a very deserved Maths Whizz!