Week beginning 6th July 2020
Beaux has returned to school this week and has had an absolutely fantastic start back. She has worked so well in her class bubble and has got straight back into the swing of things! Beaux works so hard and has completed all tasks asked of her to a high standard. Well done Beaux, I know the teachers that you have worked with this week are very impressed with you!
Week Beginning 29th June 2020
This week, our special recognition award goes to Summer. Summer has recently joined us back in school and has worked like an absolute trooper! Summer has settled back so well into school life and has adapted well to all of the new rules and guidelines. I know the teachers in your bubble at school have said that you have tried your best in every single lesson too. Well done Summer!
How could we not give you the special recognition award this week Lance?!
Lance has worked so hard this week and has consistently been uploading work on to Seesaw. The standard of your work Lance is incredible and I can see that you always put in 100% effort. This is not to mention your home Olympics! You have had me in stitches with your videos from this week. Mum, Dad and your brother need a special mention too!
Well done Lance!
Week Beginning 22nd June 2020
Francesco, what can I say? You are certainly keeping me on my toes with the amount of work that you are completing and uploading on Seesaw! It is lovely to see you so enthusiastic about your learning and always going above and beyond. I love seeing what you have created, especially the photos you upload. Thank you for working so hard, keep it up!
Ruby has been awarded the special recognition again for the amount of work that she is completing and uploading on Seesaw. It is clear to see that you are dedicated to your learning and are so enthusiastic too. You have really impressed me this week with your 3D model of a moon to go with your project work. This must have taken real concentration and lots of time to complete. Well done Ruby!
Week beginning 15th June 2020
Zack has been awarded the special recognition this week for working really hard at home. Zack has been learning various areas of the curriculum and has even been playing his guitar! It has been lovely to see a video of you also reading with your little brother! Keep it up Zack and continue to send over the photos and videos!
Oliver has been awarded the special recognition again this week for working really hard at home. He has got back into a great routine and is regularly updating work on Seesaw. It is also great to see photos of all of the fun things you have been doing (and learning at the same time!)
Well done Oliver, keep it up!
Week beginning 8th June 2020
Beaux has been awarded the special recognition for the amount of work that she has completed this week. Beaux has consistently uploaded work which has been to a high standard. I have really enjoyed seeing your work Beaux, especially the odd photo!
Keep it up, I know you have been trying really hard!
William has also been awarded the special recognition this week for working so so hard! You have certainly kept me on my toes this week with the amount of work you have been uploading! You have even gone back and edited when you have needed to. Well done for being so dedicated to your learning, its great to see your work, keep it up!
Polly has been given the special recognition this week for her commitment and dedication to the new project sheets. Polly has thoroughly enjoyed completing the topic work this week on 'Fabulous Food' and has even been helping prepare food at home. Well done Polly!
Darcy has been awarded for the special recognition this week for the work that she has completed at home over the last few weeks. Photos show that Darcy has been very creative and has been enjoying doing lots of practical activities such as riding her bike. Well done Darcy, these are also really important skills too!