We currently have some governor vacancies. We have had a number of newly appointed governors who are helping us move our school forward. Would you like to join them?
If you are interested in becoming a governor and helping our school move to ‘Outstanding’ please email headteacher@jtpschool.org
I look forward to hearing from you.
A message from the Governors.
Joseph Turner is a great place to be. We pride ourselves on having a very calm and purposeful learning environment. We are very focused on our school improvement with specific developments being thoroughly implemented and embedded.
We were delighted that OFSTED 2018 acknowledged all of our improvements and it was a true reflection of where we were as we were judged to be 'Good' again. The staff and governors have used the Ofsted report as a benchmark from which to work. Our ultimate aim is to improve our ‘good’ to ‘outstanding’.
The quality of teaching and learning to further improve progress and standards is central to our further development. The staff team is very carefully appointed to strengthen and enhance the current expertise and experiences. Only the best will do!
The children are a credit to their families and us and we are extremely proud of them for their individual contributions to the life of the school.
The Governing Body consists of:
Mrs J Poxon (resigned 31st August 2021)
Mrs I Johal (resigned 22nd September 2021)
Miss G Gelder (resigned 1st April 2022)
Mrs A Jivan-Patel (resigned 13th July 2022)
Mrs L Pyatt (resigned 30th April 2023)
Mr A Rider (resigned 22nd December 2023)
Ms M Chirikeni (resigned)
Mr G Eastwood (resigned 21st May 2024)
Mr S Walker (resigned 2nd Sept 2024)
Special Responsibility Governors
Safeguarding/Child Protection Governor | Mr M Wagstaff |
SEND Governor | TBC |
Health and Safety Governor | Mrs S Carter |
Safer Recruitment Governor | Mr M Wagstaff |
Attendance | TBC |
EYFS | Mrs S Carter |
Teaching & Learning of Core Subjects | TBC |
Training & Development | Mr M Wagstaff |
Pupil Premium | TBC |
A more detailed view of our Governors
Mr M Wagstaff
Chair of Governors
Co-opted Governor
Date Appointed: 14th December 2022
Term of Office: Start & End Date 14th December 2022 to 14th December 2026
Relevant Business Interests: None
Links to other educational Establishments: Tividale High School/Ormiston Sandwell and Wodensborough Ormiston Academies
Personal relationships with school staff or other Governors: None
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee):
FGB TBC% Committee TBC%
Mrs S Carter
Vice Chair of Governors
Co-opted Governor
Date Appointed: 6th September 2019
Term of Office: Start & End Date 6th September 2019 to 6th September 2023
Relevant Business Interests: None
Links to other educational Establishments: None
Personal relationships with school staff or other Governors: None
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee):
FGB 100% Committee 75%
Mrs J Cooper
Local Authority Governor
Date Appointed: 13th July 2022
Term of Office: Start & End Date 13th July 2022 to 13th July 2026
Relevant Business Interests: TBC
Links to other educational Establishments: TBC
Personal relationships with school staff or other Governors: TBC
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee):
FGB 25% Committee 0%
Mr C Weaver
Staff Governor
Date Appointed: 21st December 2023
Term of Office: Start & End Date 21st December 2023 to 21st December 2027
Relevant Business Interests: None, but noted member of staff in school
Links to other educational Establishments: None
Personal relationships with school staff or other Governors: None
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee): N/A
Mrs L Collins
Head Teacher
Date Appointed: 27th January 2023
Term of Office: Start & End Date N/A
Relevant Business Interests: None
Links to other educational Establishments: None
Personal relationships with school staff or other Governors: None
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee):
FGB 100% Committee 100%
We would welcome any new members who are interested in becoming a governor of this forward thinking school. We meet once a term for full governing body meetings with sub-committees once a term.
The Governing Body are committed to the further improvement of all aspects of the school.