Todays letter sound is c c c c c c c
It is a bouncy sound
c c c c caterpillar, c c c c cake, c c c c cow, c c c c cat
When you write it curl around the caterpillar
More ideas of things you can do this week if you have time.
Do send in photos and videos of anything else you do too.
Our story for this week is Noah's Ark.
Listen to the story carefully.
Find out what happens to the animals in the story.
See if you can re-tell the story in the correct order.
Try and describe the main setting (where the story takes place, what happens (the events) and the characters.
(Lit / CAL)
Use these stick puppets if you wish to help you retell the story.
(CAL / Lit)
Write a checklist for some of the animals on the Ark.
How will Noah need to care for these animals?
What do they need with them to keep them safe and well?
You don't have to write on the sheet if you don't want to, it's there just as an example.
(LIT / UW)