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The children are very much enjoying using the new iPads to complete Reading Plus lessons. 

The logins have now been sent home - keep it up year 6!

Reading Plus

Year 6 took part in a Safegaurding Day and were visited by the Rewind team, DECCA, ASB and the Police. 


The children had a wonderful day discussing ways to tackle racism, anti social behaviour, learning about keeping our bodies safe and learning about keeping ourselves safe. 


PC Treasure demonstrated lots of 'scams' to the children and taught them how to keep their mobile phones safe from thieves. 

The children learnt the importance of 'Find my Phone' on Apple devices to aid the police in finding stolen mobile phones.  They learnt about the Life 360 app for android devices. 


The children were also shown a charity website called - this is a completely confidential website for young people to report issues such as knife carriers and the key details are passed on to the police. 

Year 6 Safeguarding Day 28.2.19

Curriculum Exhibition

Making Gruel

African Drumming - Omar from Senegal came in to show the children how to play various African drums including the Djembe and the Djun-Djun! The children learnt to stay in rhythm and also had a dance session at the end!

Last week we had an India themed day. The children learnt about Indian food, art and dancing. The children completed Holi style activities - flicking colourful paint and they created Indian hand art. 

India Theme Day


The children recently got to vote for their year group pupil governors. We learnt about democracy and voting, listened to speeches and voted in ballot boxes. The candidates speeches were amazing, well done everyone!

School Pupil Governor Voting

Science - Testing Gravity

This week we weighed our classroom objects (including our swimming kits) in Newton’s using Newton meters. We recorded this in a table and a bar graph. 

