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Class Email Protocol

Class email protocols


We wanted to give the children and yourselves as parents the chance to be able to make contact with your class teacher via email; this is of course optional and does not have to be used. Every class therefore now has an email account. This email is for you as parents to scan or take photos of work that you would like teachers to look at, or to ask any questions relating to home learning that you may have and we look forward to this tool allowing for increased interaction between the children, yourselves and staff during this time of enforced closure.


As this is a new communication platform for us all, we have laid out clear protocols and expectations.


All parties will be expected to follow these protocols, for the safeguarding of all stakeholders, and as such, breaches of them will be taken seriously and followed up.


These emails are class emails and not staff emails.


The email platform is there specifically for parents and children to communicate with the staff of each class in this time of enforced closure and between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm. Teacher will respond as soon as possible but this will not be immediately. 


The email addresses are part of the school secure email system. All email will be saved on the server and can be recalled and reviewed if needed. 


The purpose of these email accounts is to allow for parents and children to remain connected with their class teaching staff:

- To send in scanned work, attached documents or photos for teachers to assess, give support and give feedback.

- It is also to allow for parents and pupils to update staff on activities covered or learning undertaken, so communication can be maintained.

- The emails can also be used by parents/children to check in on work sent home and to ask for support and advice with home learning.


This email address is not to be used to check in on school wide communication, school wide systems, administrative issues or queries.


Staff will check these emails regularly, and as a guide we will expect emails to be responded to within 2 working days.


All emails sent back to parents/children will be copied in centrally to the Headteacher. This is to ensure that all parties are safeguarded and protected in these interactions and should any concerns be raised regarding inappropriate content or messages, from either party, these can instantly be addressed and followed up.


We will monitor the implementation of this system and may update these protocols accordingly.
