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Friday 26th June



Ustat has been chosen for the special recognition award again this week because of the wonderful effort she has been putting into her home learning.  She is regularly uploading work of a high standard onto seesaw.  She is also taking on any feedback given and going back and editing her work.  It has also been lovely seeing Ustat regularly going on Oxford Reading Buddy and TT Rockstar. 

You’re doing a fantastic job Ustat.  I’m very proud of you. yes






Mohan has been chosen for the special recognition award again this week because of the brilliant work he has been doing at home.  It is clear that Mohan is very dedicated with his work and is really trying to do his best.  You are constantly impressing me with the effort you are putting into your home learning, not only on seesaw but also in Oxford Reading Buddy and TT Rockstar.

Keep it up Mohan! 

