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Spellings are given out every week by the class teacher. Children will be tested on these spellings every Friday.  Dojos can be earned for getting a good score so make sure that you practise  at home. All the spellings can be found below.


Homework sheets are given out at the beginning of the term. The children have a term to complete as many activities off the list as they would like. At the end of the term, children will get the chance to share their homework in a Curriculum Exhibition. In Year 6, we would encourage children to complete homework to get them ready for the homework expectations in secondary school.


Any questions with regards to spelling/homework, please speak to the class teacher.

Over half term, see how many of these words you can learn how to spell! If you can prove to us that you have practised some of these words, you will get 5 dojos! laugh

Year 5/6 Statutory Spellings
