Today's work is from the National Oak Academy website. The PowerPoint below will explain each task for you. There are links for each subject which will have a little video that will go through what you need to do.
All activities are explained below and all worksheets and quiz questions are attached to the PowerPoint.
If you do any work on paper at home please attached a photo onto seesaw or email it to your teacher as we would love to see your work.
Follow the link below. Watch the little video clip about 'Numbers to 50' and then complete the missing number worksheet. Once you have done that the quiz questions from the video are also on the PowerPoint for you to work through.
Follow the link below. Watch the little video clip about 'Tigers' and then answer the two questions. These questions are attached to the slides on seesaw so you can either upload a photo of your work or type it onto the slide.
Follow the link below. Watch the little video clip about 'How the Weather Changes in the different Seasons'.
You have 6 mini tasks and then you will need to create a weather log for the week.
You can answer the questions on seesaw or upload a phot of your answers.
At the end of the week send us a phot of your weather log book.
Follow the link below. Watch the little video clip about 'Staying Healthy'
For this lesson you are asked to create a little video of one of the things we need to do to stay healthy. Watch the example she gives and then have a go at doing one for yourself.
Upload your video onto seesaw and share your great work with your teacher.