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Week 4 22/06/20

W.B. 22.06.20 

Hi all, 

This week our whole school learning topic is 'Significant People'.  We thought it would be nice to focus on a 'People who help us' theme. On the home learning sheet there are Literacy/ Phonics activities, Maths activities and project activities. Please do send me any pictures, work or videos of your child completing their work. I look forward to seeing all of your hard work. Thank you for your continued support. 

Many thanks

Mrs Jones

Home learning w.b. 22/06/20 Significant People

For some reason some of the links to YouTube might not work when you click on it. Please follow these simple steps when accessing the videos we have planned for you:


  • People who help us video please type in on YouTube; 'People who help- stories for kids to go to sleep'. This will bring up the video we would like you to watch.
  • Police officer video type in on YouTube; 'Let's Play: Police Officers'.
  • Construction video type in on Youtube; 'I want to be a construction worker- kids dream job- Can you imagine that?'.
  • Recycling video type in on Youtube; 'Peppa pig recycling'.


Hope this helps- if you have any problems please email the class email address.



Mrs Jones
