This term we will be learning:
Spring Term- Struggle for the Kingdom
Art- Creating a piece of Anglo- Saxon jewellery using salt dough.
DT- Creating a Saxon village.
English- Narrative Beowulf (Spring 1)
Biography of Michael Morpurgo (Spring 1)
Non- chronological report about the Vikings (Spring 2)
A Viking persuasive letter (Spring 2)
A Viking recount (Spring 2)
Geography- Exploring how people decide where to settle.
History- Exploring whether the settlement by the Anglo- Saxons made Britain a better or worse place to live. Also exploring whether the Vikings were traders or raiders.
Jigsaw (RSHE)- Dreams and goals (Spring 1) and Healthy Me (Spring 2)
Maths- Multiplication and division
Length and perimeter
P.E.- Swimming
Reading- Beowulf (Spring 1)
The Demon Headmaster (Spring 1)
The Firework Maker’s Daughter (Spring 1)
How to be a Viking (Spring 2)
Viking Boy (Spring 2)
Usbourne The Vikings (Spring 2)
How to Train Your Dragon (Spring 2)
You Wouldn’t Want to be a Viking Explorer (Spring 2)
RE- Discovering what it is like to be Jewish (Spring 1) and why does the prophet matter to Muslims (Spring 2).
Science- Focusing on human impact on the environment (Spring 1) and Digestion and food chains (Spring 2).
Trips- We will be going on a trip to Bishop’s Wood on Wednesday 12th February.