Welcome back to Year 1 in the Summer term! We hope everyone is staying safe and well at home.
Below you will find a series of learning resources to continue to support your child at home during this time of school closure. There is a suggested weekly timetable and resources to match each activity available which will be updated weekly.
You may wish to print off the resources and complete them if you have a printer available at home. If not, children can complete the work on paper and take photos to evidence their work or complete it on a tablet/computer.
Work can then be uploaded to SeeSaw or emailed to us using the following email addresses:
You can also use these email addresses to ask any questions about the work that we are setting the children to complete at home. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
https://www.josephturnerprimary.co.uk/class-email-protocols-1/ - This link will take you to the school's page on Class Email Protocols to read carefully before emailing.
As well as these resources, children also have their logins to Oxford Owl and Timestable Rockstars and we encourage children to use these regularly.
Stay safe and we hope to see you soon,
Year 1 Staff