At Joseph Turner Primary School, we are committed to providing a curriculum that stimulates curiosity, imagination and creativity. We believe in fostering enjoyment, satisfaction and purpose in designing and making. Our broad design and technology curriculum will enable our pupils to investigate how things work and communicate ideas and information through a variety of media, allowing them to develop visual literacy. Our teaching will also allow pupils to think critically and to evaluate their own work and that of others, thus developing a specialist vocabulary. Through our curriculum, which reflects the National Curriculum Programmes of Study, we will provide opportunities for our pupils to:
· think about what products are used for and the needs of the people who use them
· consider and select appropriate tools, materials (including sustainable materials) and techniques for making a product, whilst following safety procedures
· explore attitudes towards the made world and how we live and work within it
· develop an understanding of the technological processes, products and their manufacture and contribution to our society and the wider world
· develop their own unique and personal ideas
At Joseph Turner Primary School, we pride ourselves on the consistent approach to teaching and learning that can be observed across all phases of school. This is achieved through our commitment to cutting edge CPD and quality first teaching on a daily basis. Expectations of staff and pupils are high, resulting in good or outstanding progress in all phases. There is a universal understanding of what outstanding teaching, learning and assessment should entail. These strategies are consistently used throughout school and it is the expectation of leadership that all lessons will include a variety of these to enable learners to reach their full potential. Active learning is essential in all aspects of the lesson. All staff use the same terminology so that learners develop a knowledge and understanding of the different ways they learn. At Joseph Turner, we believe outstanding teaching, learning and assessment must include the following:
1. Challenge for all
2. Collaborative learning
3. Assessment for learning
4. Questioning
5. Progression within lessons and books
6. Learning behaviours
We are working hard to promote our pupils’ English and ensure that they all achieve to the very best of their ability. Pupils are encouraged to read widely and often. English is fundamental to all subjects. Consequently, we believe that all stakeholders have a role to play in supporting and developing our pupils’ English skills to ensure they can communicate effectively in today’s society. All children are expected to follow our school’s non-negotiables for presentation. This includes a focus on learning to write in the cursive script.
At Joseph Turner Primary School, our design and technology curriculum is delivered through weekly DT lessons, which takes place throughout the second half of each term. In the second half of each term, each year group in Key Stage One and Key Stage Two has an area of D&T to study, linked to the term’s theme. During this teaching and learning includes:
· investigating
· planning
· making
· evaluating
Final pieces are displayed in year group areas of the corridor or are compiled (photographs) in individual A4 portfolio books, which will follow pupils through school.
At Joseph Turner Primary, we embrace the philosophy of giving pupils the opportunity to design and make products that are relevant, real and useful. Our design and technology curriculum allows pupils to develop confidence and enthusiasm as they make links between other areas of the curriculum such as language development, mathematics, science and computing, as well as connecting with the wider world. By the end of Key Stage Two, our pupils will have knowledge and understanding of the technological processes, products and their manufacture and contribution to our society and the wider world. Pupils should achieve age-related expectations at the end of their cohort year.
Cultural Capital
At Joseph Turner Primary School, children benefit from a flexible curriculum that builds on what they understand and know already. We believe that exposure, not only to culture but also to situations in which the children might not have previous experiences of, is of paramount importance to their ongoing successes. Children will learn about a range of areas where designing and creating for a purpose take places, including cooking, sewing and building structures. We link these subjects to real life experiences and famous engineering experts through projects we complete.