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Monday 18th January

Today, there will be no TEAMs.  

Please make sure that you work through the PowerPoints first and then complete the tasks.

9:00 - 9:30           Seesaw time

Use this time to check your account on seesaw and complete any incomplete task.


9:30 - 10:30             Maths


Today you will be looking at how to subtract using a number line.

11:00 - 12:00       English

To sequence and retell the story 'The snail and the bone,

1:00 - 1:30           RWI

Use the link below and listen to your new sound of the day.

1:30 - 2:30          Computing

You will be using Paint to create a poster about yourself.

2:30 - 3:15          DT

Your task is to create a moving picture.
