Spring Term
This term, our topic is 'Welcome to the Jungle'. We are focusing on the Amazon Rainforest, Brazil and the Maya people. We are reading 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell this term.
English - our writing has been focused around 'The Explorer' and we will be writing a narrative, a leaflet, a balanced argument, non-chronological reports and a persuasive letter.
Maths - this term we will be covering ratio, proportion, algebra, decimals and fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents.
Reading - we have looked in depth at our texts, as well as focusing on different themes weekly.
Science - we are learning about evolution and inheritance and will be looking at living things and their habitats.
History - we are learning about the Maya people and their significant achievements, across their history.
Geography - we have looked in depth at the country of Brazil and Rio de Janeiro, 'The City of Two Halves'.
Art - we are recreating a piece in the style of Henri Rousseau.
DT - we will be creating and sewing poison dart frogs.
R.E. - we have learnt how different religious charities help people and how religion can help make communities more respectful, with a focus on our community specifically.
R.S.H.E. - we have learnt about resilience and how we can apply this to change and then we will be learning about how drugs can affect our lives.
Computing - we have been creating a yearbook and will be creating blogs about internet safety.
Music - we will continue our learning about Fingal's cave.
French - we are learning how to say the full date in French and will be learning about pets too.
P.E. - we are currently learning about gymnastics and will be learning how to play hockey too.
This term, our topic is 'A Turning Point in Time', focusing on World War 2 and more specifically, the Blitz. We have read Letters from the Lighthouse and are now reading Goodnight Mister Tom.
English - our writing has been focused around World War 2, we have written a narrative, a diary, a persuasive advert, a debate and informational texts.
Maths - we have covered place value, the 4 operations and fractions.
Reading - we have looked in depth at our texts, as well as focusing on different themes weekly.
Science - we have learnt about electricity and how it is produced, creating our own circuits. We are now learning about light and how it travels to help us to see.
History - we have learnt about WW2 and the Blitz, looking at which event in WW2 was the most significant.
Geography - we are starting to learn about the human and physical features of Europe and its different countries.
Art - we learnt about and recreated a piece by L.S. Lowry.
DT - we will be creating Anderson Shelters.
R.E. - we have looked at 'What would Jesus do?', thinking about how Jesus would act in certain situations. We are now learning about different religions beliefs about death.
R.S.H.E. - we have looked at a topic, all about me and are now looking at aiming high, focusing on jobs and what we can be when we grow up.
Computing - we have learnt how to code micro:bits to create a toy and are now learning about decomposition, to break down alogrithms.
Music - we have looked at Baroque music and are now focusing on Fingal's cave and are aiming to recreate a piece in this style.
French - we have recapped how to introduce ourselves and are now learning how to discuss our family.