Welcome to your homework page!
Every term there will be a homework sheet that includes 9 activities to be completed. These tasks are linked to the topic that we are currently learning in class. You may send these back to your teacher as you complete them. At the end of the term, we will hold a celebration in class to share the work that has been completed.
Every week, you will be provided with a list of spellings to learn. Your teacher will tell you which spelling group you are in and these are the ones that you should practise. You also have access to Times Tables Rockstars.
You will also be given an additional homework task to complete. This task is linked to the learning that has taken place in school during that week.
All homework tasks are uploaded on to SeeSaw and we encourage you to complete the tasks set on there. Your teacher will be able to see your work and send feedback to you. All children have a log in for SeeSaw. If you are unable to log on, please email Panthers@jtpschool.org or Jaguars@jtpschool.org or speak to your class teacher.