Governor's Impact statements
Finance and staffing committee, Wednesday 1st November 2017
During this meeting, the committee...
Have continued to ensure that the school fully complies with all Local Authority Guidelines. The committee is responsible for ensuring that the school has implemented, monitored and audited the Health and Safety Policy. This is done in a number of ways; by liaising with the Head teacher, site manager and also conducting independent audits of the school site.
In addition to this, they have carried out regular checks on different aspects of Health and Safety, reporting all findings to the Full Governing Body. The Committee continues to monitor a wide range of health and safety issues within the school, with regular checks on fire drills, risk assessments, classroom visits, monitoring the safety of children in the playground and ensuring staff receive the relevant Health and Safety training. The impact of this is that the school is safe for staff, children and visitors
Governor's Impact statements
Finance and staffing committee, Wednesday 28th February
During this meeting, the committee...
Ensured that the rigorous monitoring of health and safety aspects are continually adhered to which give the children a safe environment in which to learn.