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Autumn 2

Here are books we have looked at during Autumn term

Wk 1- 4.11.24- Bonfire Night

During our first week back we have learnt all about Bonfire night. We watched London firework displays and came up with a bank of words using our senses. The children came up with some really good vocabulary to describe the noises fireworks make and what they look like. We learnt about bonfire safety and creating some rules we must follow when attending a firework display to keep us safe. Using magnetic shapes we creating a variety of rockets which the children really enjoyed. We have also made different marks in glitter trays and made firework pictures using toilet rolls and printing them in paint. 


Wk2- 11.11.24- Squirrel's Busy Day

We have learnt all about Rememberance day and the reasons behind the memorable day. We have been busy decorating poppies to create a display within school. Our book for this week was Squirrel's Busy Day. From this we have learnt all about Autumn and signs within nature that represent this season. We went for an Autumn walk around the school grounds to explore what signs we could see. Children collected natural items on the way such as leaves and conkers. Whilst walking the children also saw mushrooms growing, berries on the trees and leaves falling off the trees. To end our Autumn walk we had hot chocolate and cookies to warm ourselves up again. In Maths we have been learning all about the number 2 from recognising 2 objects to subitising 2. 


Wk3- 18.11.24- Funny Bones

This week we have been learning all about the human body and how our bodies work using our body parts. The children have had lots of fun with a role play doctors surgery where they have been booking each other on the computer and keyboard for appointments. Children dressed up and got into the fantastic roles of doctors and nurses. We have also thoroughly enjoyed washing the babies in our tuft tray when exploring the importance of looking after ourselves and keeping clean. 


Wk4- 25.11.24- Supertato

At nursery this week children have been reading the story of Supertato. The children really enjoyed this and wanted to read other Supertato stories throughout the week. We have made super veggies using a variety of vegetables along with a real life supertato with a potato. Children really enjoyed this and gave their supertato cape, a belt and googly eyes. In the tuft tray the children were acting out the story using supper veggies which they brought to life. Again something the children were very engaged with. During this week we have also looked at how we can keep our bodies healthy. In maths we have been learning how to create a repeated pattern ABAB.  During outdoor exploration children have collected natural items to create their own repeated patterns. 


Wk5- 2.12.24- Stickman

This week we had our visit to the library. Children enjoyed reading stories, listening to a story and make some Christmas winter mittens. The children also got to choose a book to take back to school to read. During our learning at school we have been focussing on the story Stickman. All of the children have thoroughly enjoyed this book. We made our very own stickman using sticks that we collected. We gave him some googly eyes and a leaf hat. We then used these to act out the story with our friends and take him on an adventure. We made mark in sand using sticks to see what different patterns we could make and continued making repeated patterns with different materials in maths. Children were using the large wooden blocks working as a team to build a stickman. They  had great fun with this and worked really well as a team. 


WK6- 9.12.24- Dear Santa

This week has been a busy one getting stuck in the Christmas fun. Linking to our text Dear Santa the children began to think of what they would like off Santa for Christmas and write a letter to Santa himself. We were using our funky fingers to decorate Christmas trees with pompoms using tweezers to pick them up. We have sang lots of Christmas songs in preparation for our Christmas workshop which was a great success. It was so lovely to see all of the children smiling whilst making crafts with their parents as well as receiving a gift off Santa.
