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Spring 1

P.E.- Swimming

Our first week back after Christmas was extremely busy. We had our first school swimming lesson at Tipton Leisure Centre. We sensibly walked to the swimming baths, we were assessed to see what we can and can’t do yet, put in groups and had a splash. Some of us feeling worn out, we carefully and sensibly walked back to school.


First week back

This week we having been reminding ourselves of our expectations in the classroom, in assembly and outside. We have been completing lessons such as:

- writing New Year’s resolutions

- what makes JT, JT acrostic poems

- expectation lessons

- growth mindset

- identifying meanness, rudeness or bullying and how to deal with this

And many more.


An Exciting Visitor!


As part of our RE Learning Unit this half term, Years 3 and 4 had a fabulous visitor this week, delivering an RE workshop all about Islam.


The children were shown a range of religious objects and artefacts that have been collected from all around the world. They learnt that Muslim people's holy book is called The Qu'ran and is read from right to left, the word for God is Allah and it will soon be Ramadan, the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, is one of the most sacred times for Muslims. We were lucky enough to be given a Ramadan calendar to fill with jobs and ways to help others each day of the month. 


The children particularly enjoyed investigating prayer mats (shoes removed to ensure clean and respectful), Topi caps and Islam veils, learning their names and why and how they are used.


We continued our learning in the classroom as to how to always show respect in Islam and Christianity.


RE Workshop
