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Autumn 1

Linked Text for Autumn 1

Wk2- 16.9.24 The Colour Monster

This week the children are really starting to grasp the new routines of number and the timetable for their session. Our linked text has been The Colour Monster which the children have really enjoyed. The text teaches children all about emotions and how they may be feeling in different situations. We have matched emotions to peoples face and discussed and they may be feeling and why. We got very creative making colour monsters using toilet rolls along with collage using tissue paper. The children really engaged in learning about the colour red and sorting items that were red and not red.


Wk3-23.9.24 What Friends do Best

Our focus text this week has been What Best Friends do. We have been learning about what makes a good friend and how we can show friendly qualities. We have been exploring space through our space tuft tray and making rockets using lots of different materials. Some of the children used glitter in trays along with feather to mark make in the glitter. 
