W.B 06.01.25
This week we welcomed everyone back after the Christmas break. Our first day back we enjoyed a whole school Pantomime 'Snow white and the seven dwarfs'.
Our key text this week was 'One snowy night'. It was a very cold week and we were able to take part in our 'Winter walk' around the school grounds. We looked closely at our environment and the changes we could see around us, including no leaves on the trees and the ground completely covered in frost!
Some of our activities this week included looking at non-fiction books to find out information about Winter, creating a 'Winter scene' using different collage materials, and exploring ice in a tuff tray by describing what we could see/feel.
W.B 13.01.25
This week our key texts are 'Brown bear, brown bear' and 'Polar bear, polar bear'.
The beginning of the week we are focussing on 'Polar bear, polar bear' and some of the activities linked to this are using construction to make an igloo, using props/clothing to pretend we are dressing for Winter, and using playdoh and tools to create our own polar bears.
The second half of the week we are then moving on to the 'Brown bear, brown bear' story. Activities for this half of the week include writing sentences about the animals in the story, a dice game to encourage subitising, and creating our own bear masks.
W.b. 20.01.25
This week we have shared the stories ‘Farmer Duck’ and ‘Pig in a pond’. We began the week by sharing what we already know about farm animals, including what noises they make. Moving on from this, we then learnt about animals and their young as well as the names of the different places animals live on a farm. Our activities have included painting our favourite farm animal, building homes for them using construction, and writing about animals we might see on a farm. Our outdoor learning has included an obstacle course with different equipment and working together to build in our construction area. We have also been describing what happens when using pan scales to weigh objects.
W.B 27.01.2025
This week we celebrated ‘Chinese new year’. There were lots of fun activities during the week including creating a dragon using junk modelling, food tasting and writing about our favourite food, ordering the animals from the ‘Great race’ story, and also taking on a role in our very own Chinese take away role play. We learnt that this year was the year of the snake and learnt a little more about this reptile by looking at a non-fiction book. To finish the week we then created our own dragons in class and used instruments to move to music.