In Autumn 1, children settled well into year 1 and continued with continuous provision for a smooth transition.
In English, children looked at traditional fairytales including The 3 little pigs, Goldilocks and The 3 Bears as well as The Gingerbread Man. Year 1 started by writing captions and labels to describe the characters and each part of the story. The children got to act out the stories and enjoyed being in the role of their favourite character. Towards the end of Autumn 1, the children started to build sentences to sequence the stories and had a fantastic go and writing them down using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
In Maths, children began by counting to 10 and looked in depth at the numbers between 0-10. Children compared amounts and numbers using the greater and less than signs and could place numbers on a number line in order to 10. They could recite number bonds to 5 and could use this to answer problem solving questions.
In Art, children learnt to create a self-portrait. They started by identifying features on a face and what shapes would best suit each part of the face. Children then experimented using different tools such as pencils, paint and chalk to identify the best tool to draw a self-portrait. Eventually, every child created their own self-portrait.
In RE, children explored the religion "Christianity". They listened to and acted out bible stories including Jonah and The Whale and discussed the morals within the story. Children could identify who Jesus is and what Christians do to show their respect and love to their god.
In Geography, children explored the four seasons. They learnt how all four seasons are different and why. Children got to go on an Autumn walk to describe the weather, trees and what animals were spotted in this season. The children created a seasons leaflet to explain to other children why each season was special and gave recommendations on suitable clothing for each season.
In Science we have been learning about the season "Autumn"
We have looked out how leaves have changed due to the weather and noticed the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees.
We have also explored animals that you would spot in Autumn, we learnt about how animals begin collecting food ready for hibernation in the Winter.