In Autumn 2, the children settled into lessons and coped really well with the transition from continuous provision. They had an exciting trip to Winter Wonderland where they met Santa, Mrs Clause and some cheeky elves. Throughout the day, they saw some fairy tale characters such as the 3 little pigs and Snow White. They enjoyed joining in with the phrases and acting out parts of the story. The children even got to go on some exciting rides!
Throughout Autumn 2, children worked really hard in learning lines and parts of the Nativity! All children had an important part and were fantastic at performing the Nativity to the school and parents/family members. We were very impressed with how children managed to remember their lines, learn all of the songs and with their confidence on the stage :)
In English, the children completed a scheme to get them ready for sentence writing. They learnt what nouns, verbs and adjectives are and how a sentence is a group of words put together. Over the last 2 weeks of Autumn 2, the children immersed themselves into the story "Excitable Edgar" which is the famous John Lewis advert. They all built amazing vocabulary to describe Edgar the dragon and they produced a character description. All of the children really enjoyed completing this piece of writing, we are all so proud of what they wrote.
In Maths, the children learnt how to add and subtract within 10. They used lots of resources to support them such as number lines, rekenrek and counters. The children developed lots of Mathematical language such as greater, less than and were even able to compare the value of numbers. We developed our Mental Maths by reciting number bonds to 10 and within 10 to help us become speedy with calculations. Towards the end of Autumn 2, we were able to make connections with addition and subtraction and could use this to help us fact families.
In History, the children compared schools from the present to the past in History. Many children were surprised that there was no technology!
In DT, children learnt how to create a photo frame. They looked at different materials and the suitability for a frame and then designed and made their own. All children worked hard and put lots of effort into this.
In Science, children learnt about their senses. They took part in lots of experiments and made many observations to help them understand the important of each sense.