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Spring 1

Maths- Representing single and teen digits

WB: 20th January 2024


In Maths, we started to look at teen numbers. We explored that teen numbers are double digits and have 1 ten. To deepen our understanding, we applied our knowledge of each teen number to a range of activities. They were set up in the class are a rotation where we got to use a range of Mathematical equipment including counters, tens frame, rekenrek and cubes. 

Some of us looked at numbers 1-5. We had lots of fun using paintbrushes to form the numbers and trace is in sand. We got to set up a teddy bear's picnic for 5 guests where we used accurate counting.


In Writing, we completed out first big write. Our teachers are super proud of us as we planned and wrote our own re-tell of Little Red Riding Hood. We sequenced the story and included lots of amazing vocabulary. 


In Reading, we continued to explore our Guided Reading text " Into the Woods" we had to use the skill of 'inference' to suggest where the boy might leave a note for his dad. Lots of us suggested the fridge as dad's like to eat ( our teachers found this funny!).


On Friday (17th January), year 1 joined in with a live virtual orchestra performance of "The Wizard of Oz". They enjoyed joining in and dancing to the songs.

WB: 13.1.25

This week, children started the text "Little Red Riding Hood" in English. They built up a fantastic word bank to describe the Wolf and Grandma's cottage. Children acted out the beginning of the story and orally built sentences in which they then wrote down. Many children even used the conjunction "and" to add more information to their writing.


In Maths, children explored 2D and 3D shapes. They compared the difference of the 2 types of shapes and went on a shape hunt to find real-life objects. Children created 2D vehicles and were very imaginative ( rockets, boats, fire engines and aeroplanes), they then described their vehicle and could identify how many of each 2D shape was used in their vehicle.


In reading, children were introduced to the story "Into the Woods". Children started with sorting books into fiction and non-fiction to re-cap the difference. They then discussed what stories they have read which is set in a forest, they came up with many examples including The Gruffalo, 3 Little Pigs, Stick Man and Goldilocks and the 3 bears. The children then made a prediction of who the main character may see in the forest.
